Meet Cassie!
Therapy Services
Race-Based Trauma Services
Art Therapy
EMDR therapy
Witch*CRAFT Therapy
Group therapy
Coaching Services
Abundance Therapy Fund
Yoga & Reiki
Healing Centered Yoga
Reiki *coming soon*
Root to Crown Healing Shop
Events + Workshops
FOR OTHER PROFESSIONALS: Pick Your Brain + Professional Consultation
FAQ & Contact
Meet Cassie!
Therapy Services
Race-Based Trauma Services
Art Therapy
EMDR therapy
Witch*CRAFT Therapy
Group therapy
Coaching Services
Abundance Therapy Fund
Yoga & Reiki
Healing Centered Yoga
Reiki *coming soon*
Root to Crown Healing Shop
Events + Workshops
FOR OTHER PROFESSIONALS: Pick Your Brain + Professional Consultation
FAQ & Contact
Root To Crown
Healing & Wellness
(612) 351 - 0108
Indicates required field
Address (this round open to MN residents only)
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Racial Identity
Black/African American
Other Person of Color (specify below)
White (not eligible for racial trauma group)
this information is gathered in case some folks would like to process racial trauma with other folks who have similar backgrounds to them
Specify other POC
this information is gathered in case some folks would like to process racial trauma with other folks who have similar backgrounds to them
Are you currently in individual therapy with a psychotherapist ?
This round of the Racial Trauma Group is grant-funded and will be free to participants
(an intake is required for folks who are not my current clients, at a one-time fee of $185)
I can commit to the following dates:
Wednesdays 1:30-3:00pm (11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 11/29, 12/6, 12/13)
Mondays 9:00-10:30am (11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 11/27, 12/4, 12/11)
This round will not work for me
How do you address and manage conflict if it arises in group settings
What current coping skills to you know and use to manage distress?
What are you hoping to get our of this group?
What makes you feel safe in a group setting? (particularly in an online shared space)
Is there anything that you're anxious about with the group?
What is a song(s) that makes you feel calm, held, or safe?
Meet Cassie!
Therapy Services
Race-Based Trauma Services
Art Therapy
EMDR therapy
Witch*CRAFT Therapy
Group therapy
Coaching Services
Abundance Therapy Fund
Yoga & Reiki
Healing Centered Yoga
Reiki *coming soon*
Root to Crown Healing Shop
Events + Workshops
FOR OTHER PROFESSIONALS: Pick Your Brain + Professional Consultation
FAQ & Contact